275+ songs composed by Tony Attwood



Latest additions

Just got a day

This website has been built for myself, my daughters and for those of my friends who are to a degree interested in my work as a songwriter.  It is not yet complete – many more songs to be added.  But this is a start and contains 275 different songs many with different recordings which I will gradually reduce to the best one or two.

These recordings were made at my home and I’ve been going back through the songs I have written for about the past four years, and recording the ones which I like and feel I’d like to keep. 

The site was previously used by my companies Websites and Blogs Ltd., and Hamilton House Mailings plc.  As I have retired from the daily grind of writing advertisements for other companies, those companies are now closed.    

But I’ve retained this site (which was purchased for my first online company by my pal and then fellow director at the time Len Hough,) as a repository for my lifelong hobby of writing songs.   This is not a complete index of all my songs, and I’m still adding to itas I find other recordings or manuscripts.   Here’s the index…

Songs starting A to D

Songs starting E to K

Songs starting L to R

Songs starting S to Z