How much does it cost?

The re-usable generic database

The lowest price comes with buying a reusable database of school email addresses which allows you to write the title of the teacher (as in Attn: Head of Geography) on the top of each address.  You arrange the transmission and send out to this list as often as you wish.  The price is £75.95 plus VAT.

The one-off mailing to personal addresses

Alternatively you can ask us to send out a single email which you have prepared. Just tell us the teacher you are looking to reach and we’ll tell you how many we have on our database.  The price starts at £35.

With sending out your email the price ranges from around 0.5p per school using the generic list to around

Sending four or six emails to teachers over a period of time

You prepare the advertisement and then ask to send it to a selected contact in either secondary schools or the largest primary schools:                                                                                         

£215 for 4 emails   £295 for 6 emails

As above but to a selected contact in primary schools of all sizes:  

£289 for 4 emails   £395 for 6 emails

Velocity: Research, analysis, writing, transmitting, reporting

The Velocity programme is immensely flexible and is based around your needs.  A programme of writing and transmitting four emails a month, analysing the results and reporting back, costs £395 per month.

A programme that incorporates analysis, research, and re-writing web pages as well as writing and sending out four emails a month costs £495 a month.

The unique guarantee

If you undertake a mailing with us using any of our services and you don’t get the response rate you expected, simply call us and we will take a look at your promotional email and your web page.

Then we will write a report which explains exactly what you would need  to do to raise your response rates.

We’ll also offer to make the changes for you, if you wish – although of course at that point  there will be a charge – but we’ll be quite clear as to what the charge is before we start.