
The masterpiece file!

This is an experiment to see if I can actually pick out the songs of mne that I really think stand out. The word “masterpiece” is not to be taken seriously – they are just songs that seem to be to be closer to being what I wanted to say than most of the others.   […]


Song S to Z 88 songs

The Sadness of Times lost Shades of the night She loves me in ribbons She walks through midnight Show me you’re still here Siberia Since finding you Since we learned how to rhyme Sing a song about tomorrow Six songs about midnight Sixteen minutes The slowness of passing time So far behind with the rent […]


Song L to R. 54 songs

Lands not yet known The Last Candle Leaving you alone Liberation Life goes on Life is Obscure Lingering snow Lockdown Long term rain Lost chances Make it all rhyme (slow version) Masquerade Make something out of looking at me Me and you Memories of you Moments of light Moments so Wild My back against the […]


Songs E to K 54 songs

Eight minutes End of it all End of the list The end of the show Eternal rain Everything ends Everything to me Everyone is thinking of you Everyone who knows how to dance has gone Everyone’s here Everything’s fine Everywhere Every song of yours Except me and you Five minutes drawn For if you could […]


Songs A to D 77 songs

By Tony Attwood This file contains recordings of the 77 songs I’ve written and wanted to keep with the titles starting with letters A to D.   Here’s the index to all the songs A different song A heart that wont harden A heartfelt song A new song to play  A new tune A picture of […]