Eight minutes
End of it all
End of the list
The end of the show
Eternal rain
Everything ends
Everything to me
Everyone is thinking of you
Everyone who knows how to dance has gone
Everyone’s here
Everything’s fine
Every song of yours
Except me and you
Five minutes drawn
For if you could fly by night
For my piano
For whom every line rhymes
Forever’s overrated
Forgotten love songs
Four horsemen
Fractional messages
Fracturing time
Days that are Covered in Blue
For if you could fly by night
For whom every line rhymes
Fracturing time
Future and Past
Give me time
Glory of the Dawn
Had we but space enough (and time)
Highway to the staars
The hopelessness that comes from rain
How I feel (Afterglow)
How to Rhyme (Original) and the rework as “Sparkling Light” (2 versions)
How to Start
I dance in sunlight
I need to dance with you again
I once danced with you
I saw an image
I write once more a heartfelt song
Icy walls
If we fly
It’s not time yet
Just like old times
Jupiter and Mars
Just beyond midnight
Just got a day
Just like flying – electric piano first, then piano second
Just like old times
Just one more backwards glance
Just one more day
Just one more time
Just you and me